Internet photo albums for weddings, family pictures, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, First Holy Communion, baptism, anniversary, graduation, birth or engagement/wedding announcements, or any special pictures you wish to show family or friends.

We Make Internet Wedding Photo Albums
and Family Picture Albums For You
(We also createWeb Pages for Small Businesses, Churches, Synagogues, and Social Organizations
Web Bulletins and Newsletters Offer More Space and Pictures for Less Money, Can Be
Kept More Current, and Can Be Seen by Members Away from Home)

Click here to see the way an Internet Wedding Photo Album or Family Photo Album (last 6 of the 25 pictures in the index below) could be created for you with as few or as many pictures as you bring to us to use (we can work with prints you have, or with scans you bring us), and with whatever information you would like included. The small pictures in the index link to full size pictures with a simple click of the mouse.

The Internet is a great way to share your family pictures or special occasion pictures with friends and relatives who might not otherwise get to see them, especially those out of town-- when you let them know the website address which we make for you. The pictures can have comments with them, so you can introduce people to others or so that you can say whatever you would like.

A'Katerina Publishing
(205) 823-8999
119 River Wind Drive
Huntsville, AL 35811


Rhonda and David's Wedding

[Whatever information about the wedding you want can go here, and
anywhere else on this page, or with the individual larger pictures.]

To view larger versions of any of the pictures below, just click on them. The first five are examples that include comments with the larger picture.

Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.


Reset June 22, 2000